What is Web Hosting?
Once a website is designed and built it has to exist as a virtual entity on the internet. To put it simply it needs a “home” to live in. So, figuratively speaking when you visit a website it’s like visiting someone at their home or office. This in a nutshell is what we call web hosting. See; (Web Hosting).
It stands to reason therefore that the bigger more complicated websites need more space than smaller more simple ones. But how much space, and just as importantly how much processing power is required to cater for the number of visitors and to successfully process their requests?
Another major hosting consideration today is HTTP 2. What’s that I hear you say. Put simply HTTP 2 is the biggest update introduced to the internet since 1997. HTTP 2 speeds up communication between your computer / browser and the server which hosts the website which you are accessing by allowing multiple requests and responses in parallel. There are also many other benefits but the bottom line is that your website should be hosted on a HTTP 2 enabled server, period. Check your website here https://tools.keycdn.com/http2-test .
Australia has 100’s of web hosting providers the vast majority of which provide a substandard service and depend on their ridiculously cheap pricing to generate business. At No BS SEO we have identified only 3 Australian web hosting companies which we use for all of our clients. These 3 Australian based hosting companies have locally based servers and each have documented 99.98% uptime, 24/7 human security as well as unblemished reputations for quality control and customer service. Also they all provide us with full CPanel access 24/7 which means that in the event of a problem we are able to access the server and effect a solution with minimal downtime.
The No BS SEO hosting staff are based in Sydney and between them have over 40 years of website hosting and server experience and we are here to advise you on your server requirements. Our hosting prices are extremely competitive (from $10 per week) and our customer service is second to none.
Call us on 0410 008 216.